The Baptist Pillar © Brandon Bible Baptist Church 1992-Present
"...The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."
I Timothy 3:15
Matthew Henry
We deliberately record our conviction, that a more frightful and soul-destroying curse than the Papal heresy was never inflicted upon the human race, by the arch-enemy of God and man.
We believe that it is designated in the term, "The Mother of Harlots;" and that she and her daughters, whom it would not be difficult to name, constitute the Antichrist of Scripture.
We believe that her doctrines invade the very foundations of that gospel which she conceals from her deluded victims; that her practice is idolatry, and a standing insult to the Son of God; that her spirit combines the tyrant and the slave; that her morals are impurity and falsehood; and that her unrestrained sway is the reign of ignorance and cruelty, involving the loss of all that makes manhood a privilege — the blighting of virtue, the extinction of intelligence, and the perdition of the soul.
It is the special duty of those whose vocation it is to attend to the public and private ministrations of Christian truth in its entireness and simplicity, to use the present opportunity of impressing on all classes of society, and especially on the young and uninstructed, the fatal tendency alike of the doctrines and the practices of the Church of Rome.