The Baptist Pillar © Brandon Bible Baptist Church 1992-Present
"...The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."
I Timothy 3:15
He has a mind, and he knows it,
He has a will, and shows it;
He sees his way, and goes
He draws a line, and toes it.
He has a chance, and takes it,
A friendly hand and
shakes it;
A rule, and never breaks it,
If there's no time, he makes it.
He loves the
truth, stands by it,
Nor ever tries to shy it,
Whoever may deny it, or openly defy
He hears a lie and slays it,
He owes a debt and pays it;
And, as I've heard him
praise it,
He knows the game, and plays it.
He sees the path Christ trod,
And grips
the hand of God.